Saturday, November 6, 2021

Nov 2 Day in Oaxaca

 Nov 2:

It's a leisurely day.  We have breakfast at the hotel and then leisurely set off for a walking tour of the center of the city.  The hotel is about 6 blocks off of the zocolo, which is the central square.  Because of Covid and Dia de los Muertos, there are lots of little stalls around 2 sides of the park.  They are selling the tourist type of things - blouses, trinkets, T-shirts, braclets, ear rings.  The center of the zocolo has a really nice band stand.  

Juan tells us about the cathedral while we're outside as there is a mass going on inside.   After the mass is over, we go in.  The organist is still playing.  Wow!  Between the beauty of the church and the music, I'm transported to another level of peace, tranquility and awe.  

This ofrenda is at the side of the church.  It says "To the femine that were lost to the pandemic and can't speak for themselves.  They were the seeds of our flowers."

The pedestrian walkway up to the church of Santa Domingo has many catrina decorations for Day of the Dead.  

We walk back down towards the zocolo for lunch and then we'll go our sepearate ways for a free afternoon.  The restaurant is tucked into the patio of an old house with lots of plants hanging down and others growing up to meet them.  After the walking tour, it's really nice to sit down together, relax, havve a margarita and some good food.  

I need to go to the market to get a bag to hold my purchases.  The market is much less crowded than pre-covid times.  I don't feel like I'm engaging in any risky behavior being there.  People are all wearing masks and the aisles aren't crowded.  I find a nice bag  made like the one's that Aunt Harriet so adored and it zippers closed AND it has a little side pocket where I can put my computer.  AND, it is only $7.  That will get me home where I can take my time replacing my lost suitcase.  It also has a cute lite chapulin (grasshopper) on it.  I also pick up a few clothes for the warmer weather on the beach.  

We plan to meet for dinner at a favorite restaurant that overlooks the zocolo.  Since it is the last night of Dia de los Muertos, people decide to dress up and get into the spirit.  Oh, we had fun!  The music down below drifted up to our table.  Enough to be festive without being over whelming.  Perfect!