Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 28 Sonoma

 We wake up to the small of bacon.  Patty has made a great breakfast for us of me let’s with asparagus, mushrooms, cheese.  This place gets 5 stars!  Unfortunately, Nick has an upset stomach from eating so much rich food yesterday.

I call Lee and we decide to meet up in Sonoma.   We wait a few hours for Nick’s tummy to calm down before heading out.  Traffic is pretty bad on this holiday weekend.  Lee and Andrea get there quite a bit before us so they go ahead and eat some lunch.  It is wonderful to see them and to get to know Andrea a bit better.  She is delightful and I look forward to getting to know her better through the years.  After lunch, we all walk to the main square where there is a tremendous rose garden.  

Both Davis and Sonoma don’t have any tall buildings but one and two story buildings in the downtown areas.  Sonoma, along with being such a big wine growing center and the home of the Williams and Sonoma kitchen store, it was the furthest North Spanish mission.  Fairly quickly, it moved from being a Mission to being a fort.  Many of the historic buildings remain.  

Warm goodbyes and we go our separate ways.  But not before they sign the travel table cloth!

The drive back to Davis is much quicker than the way to Sonoma.  John, Nick and I go to a dumpling place - Yang Kee.  I’m sure there is a pun there but I don’t know enough to know what it is. Anyway, the dumplings were wonderful and hit th the spot of something a little lighter.

1 comment:

  1. Glorious roses and how cool meet meet up with Lee and his lady!!
